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24 Lesson, Complete Course Solution -
Citizenship for the National Curriculum

Citizen 2000 - UK National Curriculum
Citizenship 21stC
is a complete, 24 Lesson Course Solution including the award-winning Explore Parliament CD-ROM. The course has been designed and fully tested to fulfill the UK National Curriculum requirement in Citizenship

"Possibly the best content-based resource is still the Citizenship 21stC and Explore Parliament CD-ROM. This package from Armchair Travel includes Citizenship 21stC, a complete course of 24 lessons designed to meet the national curriculum criteria for citizenship. It has been designed and fully tested by schools in Oldham."
- Guardian Newspaper, 17 Sept 2002

From the Introduction to
the Citizenship 21stC programme:

In her retirement speech to the House of Commons in July, the Speaker, the Rt. Hon Betty Boothroyd, made it clear that she felt it was the duty of Parliament to ensure that the people, particularly young people, understood the meaning of our democratic system and their roles within that system.

Researching the material and writing what follows it became clear that past generations have fought long and hard for something that today we take for granted. The Monarchy, Parliament and the democratic system that underpins the government of the United Kingdom could be described as the threads that hold together the tapestry of our long history. We are indeed fortunate to have a system of government which is determined by the people. Many countries around the world have based their systems of government on our Parliament.

An explanation of the Parliamentary process, which includes how a bill goes through Parliament to become law, and the structure of the Parliamentary year is provided on the CD-ROM. It should be noted that both of these elements are complex, varying with the type of legislation, they are often driven by perceived urgency of external events, and are constantly subject to change as the Government seeks to adapt the Parliamentary process to its needs. They are therefore not always an appropriate choice of lesson content.

Initially the teaching materials were based on the PHSE curriculum but, after further research, it became clear that we should include the historical aspects of the development of Parliament. After extensive testing with Year 6 pupils it was decided to give each lesson a specific focus, as the CD-ROM is a "visit" to the Palace of Westminster and there is so much to see, this also enables the software to cope with the demands put on it.

The teaching materials have been developed with Years 5-8 in mind but, with selection and differentiation, they can also be used for younger Key Stage 2 children. It should be noted that the lessons are standard and should be tailored to the needs of individual classes and furthermore the lessons require some preparation and prior knowledge given to the children.

The materials focus on the following National Curriculum subjects in cross-curricular style. We have made the lessons progressive although it is possible to teach them in isolation, depending on your purpose. The teaching materials and CD-ROM can be used in a variety of ways, as support in developing literacy skills, as a focus for the political literacy section of the PHSE curriculum, as a focus for whichever part of History you are teaching, to assist in the development of research and ICT skills or as a combination of all these.

Perhaps you might like to use these materials as a Year 6 project to be delivered after SATs, as much of the work included consolidates knowledge, understanding and skills acquired during Key Stage 2. The choice is yours, but however you choose to use the "Explore Parliament" CD-ROM and accompanying teaching materials we believe you and your pupils will enjoy the experience.

For more information or a free Demonstration CD-ROM, please contact us
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English Speaking and Listening Skills
Debating skills
Vocabulary extension
Note taking
Recording skills
Reading - Non-Fiction
Reading - For Information
PHSE Preparing to play an active role as a citizen
Developing Confidence
Understanding the democratic process
Making choices and taking action
Research, discussion and debate
History Anglo -Saxons I Vikings
Local history study
Britain in the wider world in Tudor Times
Victorian Britain
Britain since 1930
ICT Finding and using information from a CD-ROM
Interpreting Information
Working with others to explore variety of information sources and lCT tools.
We are aware that Citizenship is non-statutory at Key Stage 2 at the present time, and that the advice is for a "light touch" and cross-curricular approach, however as Citizenship is mandatory for Key Stage 3, appropriate material has also been included and the following teaching materials have been designed with these factors in mind.
DIRECTOR - Armchair Travel Company

For more information or a free Demonstration CD-ROM, please contact us
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Year Six Pupils -
Comments on Citizenship 21stC

"I enjoyed the virtual reality disc, and I am glad that it was invented."
- Victoria

"I thought the new disc was excellent because not a lot of children get the opportunity to look around the Houses of Parliament for real."
- Lucas

"I think the discs are great. I think they are really interesting and fun"
- Rachel

"There was a lot of information to learn on the computer. I really enjoyed it."
- Carrie

"Your CD-ROM is fab!"
- Michael

"I really thought it was a challenging game which made it brilliant."
- Charlotte

"I think it is very good, if you can't get to London, then this disc is for you."
- Ryan

For more information or a free Demonstration CD-ROM, please contact us
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Educators -
Comments on Citizenship 21stC

"The 24 lessons are excellent in providing a whole 'picture' of how the British political system operates. It is also useful in providing a 'history' of politics, such as the Anglo-Saxons, King Alfred and King Harold, etc. as the CD-ROM 'allows the pupil to explore' Parliament individually."
- David Chamberlain, Head of PHSE - Grange School

Grange School is an 11-16 mixed community school in the heart of Oldham. Of the 930 children who attend the school, 97% are of Asian heritage.

"This is a useful resource for developing an approach to Citizenship which informs children, but also encourages active participation. It should help schools develop key ideas in a cross-curricular context and link teaching to Literacy and key skills"
- Nye Goodwin, Schools Development Adviser on Citizenship

"The children were on task throughout the individual computer work. They liked and responded well to the introduction and questioning, which reflects their interest in the work set. There was positive feed-back from the majority of children and they very much enjoyed exploring the site etc.on the CD-ROM. Personally, I would like to use the CD-ROM with children in school and feel there is great potential with it".
- Kath Smith – Our Lady's Primary School

"We had great fun trying out the Yes/No game and the children enjoyed the day out at the Broadbent Centre. They were very impressed with the CD-ROM.... I have looked at the book and can find very little wrong with it. As an ICT co-ordinator who has to produce lessons, I appreciate the hard work and time spent to produce such a worthwhile document".
- Bill Leach – St. Herbert's R.C. Primary School

"This resource will provide teachers with a range of materials suitable for use in the Literacy hour"
- Michelle Vickers – Literacy Consultant, Oldham LEA

For more information or a free Demonstration CD-ROM, please contact us
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24 Lessons - Summaries

Lesson Plan

Key Stage 2
National Curriculum links

Key Stage 3
National Curriculum links

Key Skills


Lesson One:

To determine a baseline understanding of citizenship vocabulary.

To develop understanding of the citizenship vocabulary.

English Sp and List

2 (d)(e) 3(e) 4(a) 6(a) 8 (a-c) 9(a) 11(a)

Reading 1 (b)(d) 5(a) (g)

Literacy Strategy

(Y6 T1 W1O)

PHSE    PHSE Preparing to play an active role as citizens 2(d)

English Sp and List

1 b d 2 d e f 3 b


To communicate confidently with peers and adults


Teaching should ensure that knowledge and understanding about becoming informed citizens are acquired and applied when developing skills of enquiry and communication and participation and responsible action.


Working with Other

The Yes / No Game

Pupils recording sheet

One per child

Lesson Two:

To know how to use vocabulary in context.

To develop team building skills and negotiation skills

English Sp and List

Group discussion and interaction 3(a-e)

Listening 9(a)

Writing 1(a)

Literacy Y6 T1 W3 (iv)

PHSE Preparing to play an active role as citizen 2(f)

English Group discussion and interaction 3(a-e)

PHSE Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people 3 I

Citizenship 3(b)


Working with Others

Let's Negotiate Game (2)

Lesson Three:

To be able to use newly learned vocabulary

To be able to prepare and deliver a short 'speech'

English Sp and List 1(a,c,d,e) 2(e) 8(a-c)

Literacy Y6 T1 Txt 17

PHSE Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities 1(a)

English Sp and List

1(a-g) 2(a-f) 3(a-e) 4(a-d) 5 6(a-f)

PHSE Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities 1(b)

Citizenship 2(a,b)


Glossary of word definitions

Paper, Pen

Voting Sheet

Lesson Four:

To be able to listen to well-known speeches and identify the person delivering and the time period

To be able to identify / discuss success of methods of delivery

To be able to take note of relevant points and verbally express opinions

English Listening 2(a-c) 3(a,c,d) 9(c) Writing 9(d)

PHSE 1 (a)

History Historical Enquiry 4 (a&b)

English Listening 2(a-f) 3(a-e) 9(b) Writing (d)

PHSE 3(k)

Citizenship 1(d,e)

History A world study after 1900


Explore Parliament Audio CD

Lesson Five:

To understand the protocol and procedures of debates.

To be able to take turns and participate

English Sp and List 1(c-e) 2 (a,d,e)

Literacy Y6 T2 Txt 15, Txt 17

PHSE 1(a) 4(a) 5(a,c)

English Sp and List 1(a) (g) (f) 6(a)

PHSE 1(b) (c)

Citizenship 1(d)


Activity 2 Phrase Cards

Stopwatch / minute timer

Lesson Six:

To understand the protocol and procedures of debates

To be able to take turns and participate

Develop team building and organisational skills

English Sp and List 1(c-e) 2(a-e)

Literacy Y6 T2 Txt 17

PHSE 1(c) 2(a) (f) 4(a)

English Sp and List 1(a-g) 2(a-f) 3(a-e) 4(a-d)

PHSE 1(b,c) 3(k)

Citizenship 2(b)


Working with Others

Activity 2 Phrase Cards

6 stop watches / one minute timers

Lesson Seven:

To be able to negotiate and evaluate.

To be able to make decisions.

To be able to develop, explore and justify skills

English Sp and List 1(e) 2(b)(e) 3(a-e) 4(a) 8(c) 9(a)(c)

Literacy Y6 T2 Txt 17

PHSE 1(c) 2(c)(f)(j) 4(a)(d)

English Sp and List 1(a-g) 2(a-f) 3(a-e)

PHSE 4(d)

Citizenship 2(b)

Working with others

Bag of marbles / counters / sweets (with reserves) for each group. Some groups to have more than enough some with less. Instruction ….everybody must have something

Lesson Eight:

To use ICT as a research tool. Extend knowledge of vocabulary

To develop ICT skills in particular control of the mouse

English Sp and List 6(a) 9(c) Reading 2(a-c) Writing 1 (a-f)

Literacy Y6 T1 Txt 17

PHSE Preparing to play an active role as a citizen 2(g)

ICT knowledge skills and understanding

English Sp and List 1(f) 2(f) Reading 1(e,g) Writing 1 (l,m,n)

PHSE 4(d) Make real choices and decisions with reference to voting procedures

ICT 5 (b,d)

Citizenship 2(a)


Explore Parliament CD ROM

Lesson Nine:

To be able to research, discuss, demonstrate and use debating skills.

To be able to delivery a point of view in role

To explore the media and present information

English Sp and List 1(a)(c) (d) (e) Drama 4 (a) 11(a)

Reading for Information 3(a-g) Non-fiction 9 (c)

Literacy Range (ii) journalistic writing

PHSE Preparing to play an active role as a citizen 2 (a) (k)

English Sp and List 1(a-g) 2(a-f) 3(a-e) Drama 4(a-d)

PHSE 4 (g) consider social and moral dilemmas

Citizenship 2(a)


Working with others

A selection of current newspaper articles covering the same topic but from as many different perspectives as possible. There should be enough so that each group has access to the same materials.

Lesson Ten:

To understand - what and where Parliament is

To know about Parliamentary traditions

To be able to use ICT as a research tool

English Sp and List 2(a-d) Writing 12

PHSE 2(b,g)

History 11(b)

Geog 2(f) 3(b)

ICT 5(b)

English Sp and List

PHSE 4(g,h) with particular reference to our democratic

History 9 A study of crowns, parliaments and people

Geog 1(a) How and why has this landscape changes (use timeline of Westminster Hall)

7(b) study different parts of the UK

ICT 5 (b)

Citizenship 1(d,e)



Explore Parliament CD ROM

Resource Sheets for Lesson ten

Teacher Supplementary

Lesson Eleven:

To know about Parliamentary protocol

English Sp and List 1(a-e) 2(a-e)

Literacy Y6 T2 Txt 15 recognise how arguments are constructed to be effective

History 7 local History Study looking at the Local Council and its purpose

PHSE Developing confidence and responsibility 1 (a-c, e) Preparing to play an active role as a citizen 2 (b) (g)

English Sp and List 1(a-g) 2(a-f) 3(a-e) 4(a-d)

History Britain 1066-1500 Britain 1500-1750 Britain 1750-1900 World Study after 1900

PHSE Breadth of opportunities 4 (b,c,f,g)

Citizenship 1 (b,d,e)


Working with others

Resource Sheet for Lesson eleven

Debate Cards

Teacher's Supplementary Notes

Lesson Twelve:

To understand the effects of Anglo Saxon resistance to the Vikings

To know about King Alfred and King Cnut

To understand the term 'Absolute Monarchy'.

English List 2(a-e) Reading 3(a-f) Writing 2(a) 10 Vocabulary extension 7

Literacy Y6 T1 Txt 11 Y6 T1 Txt 14

History 4 (a) 9 Effects of Anglo-Saxon settlement

English List 2 (a-e) Reading 4 (a-d) Writing 1 (e-h) 2 (a-c)

History Chronological Understanding - pupils should be taught and make appropriate use of dates, vocabulary and conventions that describe historical periods and the passing of time

Citizenship 1 (d)



Explore Parliament CD-ROM

Resource Sheet for Lesson twelve

Teacher's Supplementary Notes

For more information or a free Demonstration CD-ROM, please contact us
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